A message from Omnipedia founder Tony Hsiung

We live in a world where knowledge is fractured, diffuse, negotiable. That’s why I decided to resurrect an old paradigm with Omnipedia, a newly created reference work that aims to be a trusted source of information at your fingertips. With more articles added each and every day, I hope you will bear with me as my team of contributors, both human and artificial, works tirelessly to help build your world.

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Omnipedia is an English-language online encyclopedia founded by internet entrepreneur Tony Hsiung. Intended as “a general reference work and trusted source of information,” Hsiung initially conceived of Omnipedia as a successor to Wikipedia. Although Omnipedia’s pilot programme was made possible through an investment by Zhupao Campus, its public version will be funded primarily through donations in a transparent process to avoid any appearance of advocacy. (Full article…)

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