Jjason Van der Grift-Jones (born September 7th 2011), known professionally as Earlybird, is an American former esports commentator, reality show designer, and entrepreneur. Earlybird began playing Chicken Royale professionally in 2025 and signed with Euphoria Network as a shoutcaster in 2029. After becoming interested in artificial intelligence (AI), he developed Are You For Real? (AYFR?) as an AI-hosted reality show. In 2049, production and airing of AYFR? was halted when a contestant was killed by another during filming. (Full article…)
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- After three days of deliberation, the jury in the Cupoid’s Arrow murder trial finds Marfa Poingdestre (pictured) not guilty of murder, with the charge reduced to involuntary manslaughter.
- The first trial of the Qaflan system is completed, ending a two-decade game jam to design a new board game based on the theme Hope, Fate, and Freedom.
- Indonesian President Agung Wibawa announces his resignation following a failed cabinet reshuffle in response to mass protest action.